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I-90 Reconstruction & Widening at Barrington Road
Illinois State Toll Highway Authority
This project included the roadway reconstruction and widening of I-90, design of a Single-Point Urban Interchange (SPUI) at Barrington Road, and the design of a PACE Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) park and ride drop-off which includes a proposed pedestrian bridge over I-90. 2IM Group provided preliminary engineering, Phase I, services along with Phase II prepared plans, specifications, and engineer’s cost estimates.
2IM Group developed the Location Drainage Study (LDS) within the preliminary engineering stage. 2IM’s responsibilities for the Phase II portion included drainage improvements on Barrington Road and the Jane Addams Tollway ramps. The drainage improvements consisted of storm sewers, detention facilities, and compensatory storage for fill in the Tributary A of Poplar Creek. 2IM was also responsible for erosion and sediment control plans, landscaping plans, and barrier warrant analyses.
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